Sunday, January 25, 2015

To and From

Tonight's Bible Study message has me marinating.

Dear God. Please help me turn to you and away from …

Yo've helped me come so far , I beg you … fill me with your spirit and help me to turn even more towards you. I beg you.

Help me turn towards forgiveness and away from grudge.
Help me turn towards love, away from hate.
towards gentleness, away from wrath/anger.
towards nurturing, away from obliviousness.
towards joy, away from anger. AWAY FROM ANGER.

God. You've done so ugh for me,help me coninue to grow.
I now am able to handle phone calls okay.
I now am able to refrain from hateful emails to Nate.
I now am able to greet nate with mellow instead of wrath.
Glory be to you, God.

Today at he zoo , Finn carried a pocket of change with him. And occasionally would hand out a penny, or coin to another person. He wanted to bring them joy. He wanted to be selfless. How much I can learn from that kid. Funny thing: Almost no one took it. They gave him weird looks and refused. It hurt him. He didn't understand why people wouldn't accept his act of kindness. Lesson to ponder: Do i reject his acts of kindness? Or that of others? Do I act as selflessly as him? Do I encourage him to continue this amazing piece of his character?

He also chatted up a stranger kid wearing a ninja turtle shirt. And said "don't tell anyone, but I'm a jedi."I love that kid. It only takes a simple conversation to make someone's whole day.

Danka would walk, and occasionally hug me or Nate. She just craves that touch I just don't give it to her enough.

And my max… fell asleep so soundly on my back in there ergo. I love baby wearing <3 Love feeling his body feeling so comfortable and loved against mine. <3

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