Danika, today you are 2 months shy of being 3 years old. My Finn, you are 1 week past 1 year. I look at you with so much admiration. You teach me so much, whereas I used to believe I was your teacher. Danika, I love planning and preparing school for you. Your enthusiasm and curiousity is amazing and inspiring. You make me look for the brightness in the day, simply so I can show you and see your beautiful smile.
My FInn ... your little wrinkled nose is the most heart warming sight ever. You have such simple joy and love to be snuggled. One of my favorite things you do is when you're tired, you crawl over to the couch, stand, and simply lay your head on my chest for a back rub. It melts my heart. I love how you pout with your head on the floor/table/etc, simply because you don't get your way. It is hysterical how much you do this, and then you move on!
I am so grateful for you, my loves, and cherish each day we are given together. I love you so very much, from the depths of my soul - you are God's greatest gift to me, and have shown me what it is to love and be loved. I only hope I can be what you need and that as we grow together, our bond will only get stronger.
I love you with all my heart. Mom.